In this area you will find all the safety related BHPA documents and forms that can currently be viewed on-line, or downloaded as a portable document file (PDF). Where possible the upload date and file size are displayed for your convenience.
- Online Incident Report Form
- Incidents (Informal Investigations)
- Incidents (Formal Investigations)
- Annual Incident Analysis Reports
- Safety Notices
- Safety Advisories
- Manufacturer’s & Importer’s Safety Notices
- Emergency Parachute Advice (pdf download)
- Licensed Parachute Packers
- EN paraglider classes (pdf download)
- Aerotow tug to glider speed matching (pdf download)
- Versioned Training Documents (pdf download)
- Alerting the military (CANP)
- Notices to Airmen (NOTAM)
- Who to call in an emergency in the UK (pdf download)
- BHPA/BMFA Operating Code – co-existing with model aircraft (pdf download)
- Electronic Conspicuity in Class G Airspace (pdf download)
- Flying Abroad
- CIVL – Safety
- CIVL – Safety Network
- CIVL – Safety Notices
- CIVL – Hang Gliding Sprog Settings
- DHV – Safety Journal
- DHV – Safety Notes
- HPAC – Safety Notifications
- HGFA – Defect Notices
- NZHGPA – Safety Notices
- USHPA – Safety Advisories